How To Increase Concentration During Studies?

To combine yourself with the study

1 min readJun 30, 2018

Focus and concentration are fixed thinking. Thinking about one thing, again and again, becomes a concentration.

Now, you need to find a way to think and attach with one thing so you can think again and again.

For example, when people got the news of their favorite celebrity, they just think about them, search about them, discuss that issue with others and sometimes they put their views about that on social media.

Can you say that they are fully concentrating on that news, working on that news passionately? Do you know why they are doing this?

Due to INTEREST and CURIOSITY. That news injects curiosity in them.

You can apply this in your studies.

You have to combine yourself with the exam to generate interest. In the starting, find some facts or stories or study some unusual content which is a part of the subject field but not directly related to the exam. For instance, you have to study quantum physics. Then to generate the interest in preparation, you can find what is quantum, why the name is like this, is there any other physics, who was the scientist to first invent quantum physics, how the other scientists react to this physics or controversies etc. ?

This will enthusiast you to know more and you will combine with the study more.



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