There are two giant pillars on the basis of which every individual work. One is creativity another is technical. If we go with the definition, creativity is an ability to produce something new, original, unusual, something which is not present and you need the real imagination to create it. Technically is to work with a knowledge of rules, facts and a practical skill to run a process which already exists.
Right now the computer in your hand or the headphones or the cell phone, even all the things around you, when they were first created, was there any formula or set of rules and regulation or even a replica of how to create them.
NO. These all things are the product of imagination, at the very first. People generate their imagination to create products like laptops, vehicles, tv. One person creates this set the rules and regulations of imagination, and then rest of the technical experts follow this.
When Isaac Newton was 25, single-handedly he changed the way we see the world. We could do no better than to be standing right in front of the very apple tree, but its the Newton generated his imagination to think something different to what already existed.
Creativity is not only designs, colors, drawing, singing or dreams, creativity initiates from imagination. The imagination of anything which is not usual or existed. There are so many artists who are scientists and so many scientists who are artists. A renowned scientist Einstein was a scientist, but he was also an artist. He was a master of playing the violin.
Do you ever think who make the musical instruments, an engineer or a musician? An engineer is technical then how he would know the basic creativity of music or the musician is an artist, but how would he know the mathematics and physics of joining strings or precise shape of the instrument. This is all done by the sound engineer. The Sound Engineer is a loop between creativity and technology.
When you combine these two pillars you are in the process of innovation. Inventing something new with the combination of creativity and technical knowledge is the real meat to earn smart money.
This is how creativity enhances technology, scientist pulls their creativity and pour into the form of scientific rules and the same way technology enhance creativity.
The artists are using the technology to display their art, to invent new forms of their talent. Youngsters using the Music app to showcase their talent and earn money. The creators of the highest grossing movies using advanced technology to make the fantasy movie come alive. The high rate success entertainment world is achieving is due to the technology and the glamorous effects.
Creativity is when you are when you break the already existing rules to create something new. The simple example that we all can relate to ourselves is music. You can easily sense the change in music. In starting music was slow and every other musician followed the same rules and regulation to compose their new music, then someone generated the creativity, create fast music and pop music and set the new rules. Then every other musician started following these rules and then again, someone came and inject the creativity and invent The Rap music and set other rules and regulation to which rest of the musicians started following his or her technicalities in this innovation.
This process is same in every other field in technology, start-ups, marketing, education or fashion.
It all comes from when you can’t differentiate between art or science.
Maybe science or technicality seems this for you, a jug full of formulas or coding and arts or creativity is this, colors, design, and dreams. This is what you are thinking. Let me give you an example, when you were little the sky was just a black sheet with full of golden lights for you, but now your whole thinking is changed and you know the process of the solar system. Same as this when you are thinking about art and science because of you straight up in one particular field and never had time to know or feel the other.
Science is the careful study of the structure and behavior of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring, and doing experiments, and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities. Art is a capability to imagine something new by thinking, observing and an activity through which people express particular ideas.
Newton observes that the apple fell from the tree now this gave Newton the idea of the law of universal gravitation.
In starting, it is believed that the human was lazy and always hidden in the cave. There was nothing out in the world. Then slowly and slowly human generated his imagination to make tools. Do you notice when human generated his imagination; when there was a need. When there is a problem, then you need to generate imagination to find the solution.
You can’t solve the puzzle by technicality, science or rules. First, you need to imagine, think a way which leads to the solution. And then you need to apply rules.
Your imaginations can also be dangerous to you. You always judge a person to be not very intelligent who is rough and lazy with giant big glasses and if you have to deal with him, you would be too much confident to beat him. If you have to deal with a personality in the well-designed suit with proper hair finishing, your confidence seems a lot down because you judge this second person to be very intelligent.
Now if the reality comes out to be opposite, then your deal would be in danger. Perception affects your judgment.
Your brain perceives the danger very well, but your imagination cheats on you when the fear is not real. For example, ghost or the sound of an explosion.
You can increase your imagination by dreams. Great ideas never come to you when you swim in the pool of thinking. Great ideas come to you when you are not expecting. Like when you are cleaning, or driving or cooking because at that time brain maximum activates.
The famous poet Ruth Stone described the imagination like as she would be out, working in the fields and she would feel and hear a poem coming at her from over the landscape. She quickly ran to the house to get to a piece of paper fast enough so that she could collect it and grab it on the page. She also believed that when she missed catching her imagination, it continues on across the landscape looking for another poet. To better imagine you don’t need to think a lot, but you need awareness to catch the idea when it runs through your brain.
The logic will take you on the straight-straight path, to fly then imagination.