When You Know You Are Intelligent But Wasting Potential Due To Laziness
It’s a very great thing that you are aware of your intelligence level but the problem comes when you start over — beliving in that.
It is so because only then you stop learning more and kill the curiosity of your quest. Actually, your brain perceives this over-belief intelligence level like as you don’t need anything, you know everything and set an unconscious thought in a back of your mind.
Another interesting thing you can do is rather than asking what to do you can find out the reason why this happening. Is it because
- you are not interested in the subject
- your low-energy to keep the things coordinate
- or there is some new thing introduced in life, friends
- your mismanagement
- or maybe something else…..
find out the reason — the root cause and solve that.
Another thing you can do is, before starting anything simply ask yourself which work is more important and then just a few seconds self — push to indulge yourself in a right work with a mindset —
~you don’t have the choice~
You said that you get distracted from the study. You need a temporary solution or a permanent one. For temporary solutions, you can get tons of advices on the Internet, and there is a possibility within a few days maybe you will get distracted even from them. For the permanent solution, today or tomorrow, you will have to pull your mind, you have to close all doors of distraction. Slowly with the practice, you can gain control over your mind.
If nothing is working then you are in a phase to loosen control over yourself. Moving forward in life, many steps are exposed when your potential starts decreasing in terms of performance, energy, sustainability etc.
Some people can realize this and some people even can’t realize this but obviously, we gonna appreciate the one who can overcome this.
If you handle this or change this phase, you will learn the most difficult thing in the life that is, CONTROL OVER LIFE